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The Goliath Heron (also called the Giant Heron) can reach 5 feet in height (although my references didn’t say if that’s with its neck extended or relaxed into an S shape.) This image is a small portion of the original, which was taken from more than 100 feet away along the Zambezi River, Zambia, with a Nikon D600 and a Nikkor 80-400 mm VR lens at 400 mm. The exposure (hand-held) was f/9 and 1/640 sec (ISO 800). Tonal contrast, sharpness, noise in featureless areas, etc., were adjusted using Topaz plug-ins.
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World's Tallest Heron
Photographer: Irwin H. Segel
ihsegel | Feb 20, 2018
Views: 180
Dimensions: 3960x5040
Size: 11941kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Birds