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Sunrise brought with her a crystal cascade, enveloping all her bright light touched and creating a sparkling fountain of lights pinpoint reflections. Thus, today was a day to gaze at the world closely, to find the victims of nights icy imprisonment now exposed in days pale blue light.
I walked, fascinated by leaves, red berries, tree limbs, and forests of evergreens that peered out from frozen cages, creating a kaleidoscope of refracted color. Entranced with each new corner turned, I was surrounded in a fantasy's dream; in a world mine own, yet strangely foreign. But it was not until I chanced upon the miracle nature laid before me that I became sure that today would be that rarest gift, a true once in a lifetime experience. Fate favors me, for I cannot explain why I happened to look into this evergreens boughs, nor how, encased in what should have been far too much weight for its fragile existence to bear, was the thin filament of a spider's web, snared in an icy trap. Three strands pulled taught through her branches, glistening in frigid beauty. Truly I am blessed to be the witness nature shared this with.
Canon PowerShot G11
¹⁄₃₀ sec at f/4.5
Lens: 6.1-30.5 mm @ 30.5 mm
ISO 800 in mode with 0 EV adjustment