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This is a newborn (neonate) Southern Copperhead, Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix. I photographed it with a Nikon Micro 105 manual lens and a Nikon D800, during the fall flood of the Mississippi River, September 12, 2014, near Waterproof, Louisiana, in Tensas Parish. The Copperhead was crossing the levee and I shot him at a distance of about four inches, just beyond his strike range,1/320th sec at ISO 125, f 2.8 for minimal depth. By placing my left hand directly above his head and waving it I got the snake to raise its head into the position seen here.
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Photographer: Keith E. Benoist
detcord | Feb 10, 2016
Views: 36
Dimensions: 850x772
Size: 394kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Wildlife and Nature