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I've learned always to have my camera ready because you never know when a photo opportunity will present itself. I was busy wrapping gifts when I heard a rustling of paper by the Christmas tree. When I investigated, I found my dog, Duchess tearing into one of my husband's Christmas gifts. So, I decided to make a photo opportunity of it. I had her rest her head on the book which I'd bought for my husband, then placed reading glasses on her nose. She was so good about staying still for the photo, despite her naughty act, she was rewarded with a treat.
Taken with a Nikon D3200 camera with a Tamron 18-270mm lens.
1/100 sec.
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Naughty or Nice?
Photographer: Marjorie Stevenson
Duchess1 | Dec 24, 2015
Views: 27
Dimensions: 2400x1739
Size: 1963kb
Filed Under: Shutterbug Photo of the Day