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This is an image of the iconic Warner Theater in Torrington, Connecticut (USA). I'd been to the theater many times and always wanted to shoot it. One day, I had nothing to do so I went up to the managers office and asked her for permission which she enthusiastically approved under the stipulation that she would be able to use the image for new brochures which they did.
Shot with my OMD E-M5 on a tripod with a homemade panning head using the 9-18mm lens. Six frames (of five shots bracketed for each frame) processed in Elements 12 then Photomatix for a little HDR pizzaz, and then back to Elements for stitching. Finally, a little Nik Color Effect Pro 4 magic to complete the image. The original image is quite large at about 10,000 pixels which would print at 45 x 12 inches.
Hope you like it.