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This is an HDR panorama of the truly enormous building that is the Western Reserve Masonic Community (WRMC) in Medina, OH. (My mother-in-law lived there for over a decade before moving near us in Philadelphia, PA.) The panorama was made from 16 images taken in September 2012. I took 2 photos, each at the same position, both at f/13 ISO 100. There was one exposure for the buildings (1/50 sec) and one for the sky (1/125 sec). Images were taken with a Canon 7D, Tamron 18-270mm at 54mm, on a Vanguard Alta Pro 283CT tripod and SBH-250 ball-head. The image pairs were then combined into one HDR image per pair, 8 images in total, using HDR Efex Pro. Finally, the resulting 8 images were stitched together using Photoshop merge-to-panorama and some final cleanup work. I had the image printed at 20" x 100" and it was installed in a hallway of the WRMC retirement community.