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"Rietveld Flaps" By Gerald W. Shonkwiler
Taken with a Nikon D300 with a Tamron 18-270mm lens and a B&W Circular Polarizing filter
f/18 at 1/125 with a -0.33 Exposure Compensation using center metering
At an airshow in El Cajon, CA a unique "Flying Wing" aircraft was on display between flights. The wing flaps of the airplane were painted bright, primary colors to go with the overall yellow color of the aircraft. The wind rushing over the flaps had taken some of the paint off the leading edges and some surfaces. These colors and the abstract geometry the multiple flaps on the wings reminded me of the famous "Red & Blue" Chair by Gerrit Rietveld that he designed in 1918.
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Rietveld Flaps by Gerald Shonkwiler
Gerald Shonkwiler | Apr 22, 2014
Views: 486
Dimensions: 3600x2516
Size: 4568kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Rich and Color-Full