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This was during my December trip to Bodie as I was headed to California to see family. I had been wanting to visit there for years. With camera in hand I was literally climbing, hiking and running all over this amazing place. Towards the top of the road looking down over the town was this lonely structure with a pretty amazing sky and some snow cover too. I shot this with my Nikon D800 and Nikon 24-120f4 VR lens. ISO 50, 24mm, 1/160th, f11, hand held, available light. Processed in Lightroom and edited in Photoshop CC.
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Winter in Bodie
Photographer: Kevin K. Bondy
Kevinkeith33 | Jan 15, 2016
Views: 9
Dimensions: 900x675
Size: 499kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Travel Photography