Watch a Boy Become a Man in This Amazing Time-Lapse Video with a Daily Portrait for 10 Years

When we post time-lapse videos, they typically involve thousands of landscape or nature images, like the spectacular project we shared last spring that used 8TB of photos to capture the beauty of blooming flowers over a period of three years.

The four-minute time-lapse below is quite different, but no less remarkable, as it documents a young boy’s journey to manhood with a photo a day for 10 years. In this massive and revealing photo project, photographer Jordan Wilson began shooting the self-portraits back in 2007 at the age of 13 and completed the video just two days ago as a young man of 23. Since posting the video on Tuesday, his time-lapse has been viewed over 860,000 times.

Over the years, Wilson has become an experienced time-lapse photographer and his YouTube videos are closing in on 12 million views. His projects span a range of topics from landscape and cityscape videos, to a short time-lapse in which he cut an elastic-band ball in half with surprising results.

You can view Wilson’s efforts on his YouTube channel, and be sure watch the spectacular spring time-lapse video mentioned above. We also shared a stunning black-and-white time-lapse video, made by a storm-chasing photographer, that is definitely worth a look. And to see another project similar to the one here, check out this 2006 video from Noah Kalina.