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Zion is my favorite place to be in the fall, and unfortunately my work schedule doesn't give me nearly enough time to explore it. I spent 4 days here in the fall just wandering around and enjoying the beauty, taking photographs wherever I could. There are many great spots to shoot from on the Virgin River, and I spent this evening running from place to place because I didn't want to miss anything. There were a lot of photographers at this spot while the sun was setting, but when I came back about 5 minutes after the sunset everyone had packed up and left. I had the place to myself, and the light was soft and beautiful. For this shot I got in the river and did a long exposure, and I didn't have to worry about being in anyone's shot! Gear: Canon 5D MkIII, 16-35mm lens, tripod, polarizer. Settings: f22, 4 sec, ISO 100.