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In 2002 while reading an article about including the moon in your pictures performing a double exposure in camera, I decided to try this technique out on one of my favorite subjects. This I believe was one of my first attempts trying this technique, but future shots did not turn out so well. So I proceeded to try to capture the moon and the aircraft on one frame. I took the first exposure of the moon at 125 @ f16 using a 75-300 zoom, manual focus and the second exposure of the aircraft was 30 seconds @ f8, manual focus. I did manage to place the moon about where I wanted it to go as you have to remember where on the frame you placed the moon on your first shot so when you take the second shot you place it correctly. As I found out latter the moons position does not turn out perfectly on the frame, as you hoped it would. Year 2002, Hickam AFB Hawaii, Canon Elan film camera, Kodak Porta 160 film, Canon 75-300 zoom & 24-85 zoom, Manfrotto tripod. Film scanned at local store on DVD. No other processing, straight from the scan.