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Turtle's view of the world. The lower turtle is the real turtle, poking his head through the surface of the water; the upper turtle (and the entire upper part of the image)is the reflection off the surface of the water. The reflection off the underside of the surface is perfect; when the turtle looks up, it sees the bottom of the pond!
I took this photo at the local zoo, on my knees looking up. The hardest part (and the most fun) was sharing the space with all the kids who were there.
Canon 70D, 18-135 mm lens at 19 mm, 1/30 second at f/8.0, ISO 6400.
Charles Brau
(1 vote)

Turtle vision
Photographer: Charles Brau
cyclista | Mar 7, 2016
Views: 81
Dimensions: 5472x3648
Size: 1986kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Wildlife & Nature Photography