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I used a Pentax K10D with a Sigma 70-300 Macro zoom set at 70mm. The exposure was at f/5.6 for 1/180 sec at ISO 100.
The crew begins to trim the sails of the tall ship, The Californian. This 145 foot schooner makes its home in the San Diego Harbor. She boasts 9 sails utilizing 7,000 square feet of canvas. Though the crew is volunteer, each member must pass a rigorous training course to become qualified. In the past, unfortunately, trimming the sails has proven to be deadly.
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Trimming the Sails of The Californian
Photographer: Brenda Bartley Choate
brendabartley | Sep 22, 2015
Views: 45
Dimensions: 1080x1620
Size: 2008kb