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This photo is not a comment on the members of the Tennessee legislature (unless you want to make it so). It shows the Statehouse just before dawn reflected in a pool on the plaza (the image is inverted to make the statehouse upright). In the absence of any wind, I had to make the waves myself to distort the reflection, and operate the camera with my cell phone. However, the wave motion required a reasonable shutter speed and a high ISO of 12,800. In a happy accident, the resulting noise seems to make the image look even more like a painting (van Gogh?) than a photo.
Canon 70D, EF28-105mm f/3.5-4.5 USM lens at 30 mm; ISO 12,800, 1/30 second at f/4.0; Vanguard tripod; adjustments in Adobe Lightroom.
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Tennessee's Crooked Statehouse
Photographer: Charles Brau
cyclista | Mar 30, 2017
Views: 27
Dimensions: 3138x3875
Size: 3565kb
Filed Under: Shutterbug Photo of the Day