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Sometimes you don't have to walk or drive very far to witness a beautiful spectacle. This photo was taken very early at dawn in front of the Lodge at Crater lake National Park. I woke up very early that morning and could see that the sky was going to be vibrant. I rushed downstairs and set up my gear in front of the porch. I used a Nikon D 7100 and Nikkor Zoom lens (18-200 mm.) with a Lee .9 soft Graduated neutral density Filter. All was attached to a Gitzo Tripod and Arca-Swiss Head. I took many shots but this was my favorite, given the starburst effect as the sun rose above the distant mountains. The ISO was 200, F/18, 1/8th second exposure, and a focal length of 27 mm. The onl downside to this photo shoot was the relentless attack of the mosquitoes, in spite of the repellent I had sprayed. I had as many mosquitoe bites as shots I took that morning.