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Taken with my Ricoh GR, f/5.6, 1/250, ISO 800, lens 18.3, auto exposure. It was converted to black and white using Silver Efex Pro.
I was with a group from Road Scholar that spent 5 days seeing the sights in Chicago. The tour was headquartered at the Club Quarters up by the Chicago River. I was staying down at the Mark Hopkins and would walk up every morning to meet the group. I would have my morning "joe" at these tables and enjoy the street scene.
At the end of the day I would walk down Wabash under the "El" and would stop to listen to this great sax player. Chicago's downtown area is known for it's street musicians. And it's a great place for Street Photography.
The little Ricoh GR was purchased just for this trip as I wanted to try my hand at Street Photography.