(New Braunfels, TX) -- If you have an outstanding warrant with any of more than 240 law enforcement agencies across the state of Texas, your time has run out to get those taken care of before officers start knocking on doors today as a part of the 2011 Great Texas Warrant Roundup. Starting today, officers from New Braunfels Police, the Comal County Sheriff’s Office, and other law enforcement agencies will be going to homes and businesses to arrest those with outstanding warrants. Once there, those that are arrested will have to make arrangements to pay off those fines, or sit and serve time. The warrant offices for the Comal County Jail are open during the weekend, so you can still avoid getting that knock on the door by calling them at 620-3411, and come Monday you can once again call and take care of outstanding warrants with New Braunfels Municipal Court by calling 221-4189.

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Sticky seeds
Jack | Nov 9, 2011
Views: 775
Dimensions: 346x484
Size: 58kb
Filed Under: Macro Photography