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While on a night dive in Cozumel, my dive buddies noticed this spotted morey eel draped over a coral formation. Drawing my attention by pointing their lights at the eel, I approached more closely for my photo but the eel came snapping towards me protecting its turf. I backed off, let things settle and re-approached as slowly as possible. Just as my position brought me into focus range I composed and shot just as he simultaneously grabbed the fish in his mouth. He instantly bit the fish in half, and swallowed both pieces before I was able to take another frame.
Taken with Nikonos-V and UW-Nikkor 15mm f2.8 lens. Fuji Velvia 50asa film. Manual focus, lens at f/8.0, ISO64, dual Ikelite strobes, exposure via TTL-Auto.
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Spotted Morey, Cozumel
Photographer: David Arden
David Arden | Mar 31, 2017
Views: 27
Dimensions: 800x636
Size: 93kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Wildlife and Nature