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My plan for this particular morning was to shoot the sunrise at Marlboro Point, which is a challenging off-road drive. I woke at 2:00 a.m. for some unknown reason, so by the time I left my room I was tired and cranky. When I got to Marlboro Point, after an hour of navigating the dirt trail in the dark, I found 29 degree weather with 30+ mph winds. All I had on was light hiking pants and a fleece. Even worse, there were no clouds in the sky, except for one massive one on the eastern horizon, meaning it would block the sunrise. Too tired and cranky to deal with this, I decided to go back to bed. As I drove back the sun was rising behind the hated massive cloud, right behind Arches National Park and these monoliths, silhouetting them perfectly. I guess Nature felt sorry for me and threw me a bone. I exposed for the sky and applied a GND filter in Lightroom 4.