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"Silent Momentum:" I have always been fascinated by the stars and their seemingly silent beauty-- so silent, that they disappear from our view during the day and might be all but forgotten, yet they are still always there. Even more amazing, perhaps, is being able to record our own planet's movement with respect to the celestial skies and get an image like this, all happening quietly and while most people sleep. This photo is the result of many frames shot in succession to show the star trails, with the North star being in the upper left corner. The reflections are not perfectly intact, as there was intermittent wind disturbing the stillness of the water during the course of the time I was shooting. I did remove countless airplane trails, as this area is high-traffic for plane routes. The glow over Glassford Hill is of course, from Prescott Valley; most astrophotographers prefer darker skies, but I thought the light added a bit of color and contrast to the shot. I wasn't entirely alone; during the course of shooting, I discovered that bats must have made a nearby home, as they were flying about occasionally and seemed to return to a specific perch in some rocks nearby. Nikon D810, all star trail shots were taken at 14mm, f/2.8, 25 seconds, ISO 2000, foreground shot taken at blue hour (to reduce noise) at f/4, ISO 250, 20 seconds.