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Deep in the country on the backroads of Central Virginia sits the Sedalia Country Store. With nothing much else around it is easy to say its well known in the area. I use to stop here often on my way to Big Island, VA, I mean where else could you stop and get a hotdog with chili, mustard, ketchup and cheese for a $1.20 and a soda for just a buck. It was a bright and beautiful day and of course I was in the mood for a hotdog or two. I had my camera with me, like always and wanted to grab a good shot of one of my favorite stops. The sky was so blue, I knew it would make a great black and white image and the red trim that goes around the outline of the store would look nice as well. I stood in the middle of the road and shot back towards the store and this was the image I got, I originally shot it in color, but converted it in Photoshop. This way I would have both.
Camera: Nikon D7000
Lens: Nikkor 18-55
Filter: CPL