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I created this image last May (2014) in Denver Colorado. I made the trip to Pikes Peak with a few friends and only brought my camera and 1 prime lens as I didn't anticipate I would get much serious photography in. We were coming down the mountain when I saw this great view and so we pulled over so I can take a quick shot at it. What struck me was the way the trees contrasted with the snow capped mountains in direction, texture, and tone. I used Nik SilverEffex Pro 2 along with Lightroom for processing and B&W conversion. Black and white is definitely fitting for this image in my opinion. I also added a slight muted tone.
Name: Neil Williams
Camera: Nikon D600, Handheld
Lens: Sigma 35mm 1.4 Art Series
F-stop: F11
Shutter: 1/125
ISO: 100