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PapaSteve's picture

This cliche'photo would be ok for a child with an instamatic. Almost passable Photoshop work though. Are you as anal in real life as in here? i,e The attitude about the watermark. That photo is not worthy of some lowlife attempt of theft

ronk's picture

I like the reflection, the foreground and the lead in lines. The copyright symbol is a bit intrusive where it is located.

Rebecca Newell's picture

I love this shot, very beautiful. But I have to agree with the poster above, the copyright right smack in the middle needs to be moved to at least the bottom!

erico's picture

I dont care that my copyright bothers you. It's my copyright and my right to do so. I'm not giving my hard work away so people can steal it. That is the only reason why you would make such a stupid comment. You want my professional photos, cough it up. Why can't people just say something nice. No they have to make me feel like I've committed a crime. Wrong! Stealing from photographers copyrighted works is in fact a crime. Now get over it!

Unregistered's picture

yo man, nobody is trying to steal, just appreciate. no matter what, the copyright is OBSTRUSIVE and its taker downright rude!

russellsnr2's picture

Hi, My 1st comment on any photograph in this forum and it is to me as a begginer a very beautiful picture, I would have liked to have seen a pano if there is enough either side to include.

Unregistered's picture

The picture though good, is a little cliche....Typical reflection of the mountains on the
lake in the foreground. What I find disturbing is that someone who spends time in nature
can still be so uptight! All the man said was that your copyright was a bit intrusive. You
might have tried using a watermark instead of solid letters so you could have left it in the middle without the copyright being intrusive....but I guess you're not that creative, let alone professional. And you're line " I'm not giving my hard work away so people can steal it", doesn't make any sense. Either does your infantile attitude. You babbling makes you sound like a paronoid, delusional fool who thinks everybody is trying to steal from him. If those comments make you feel like a criminal should be locked up, but in the looney bin, retard! As far as coughing things up, only in your face.

Unregistered's picture

The picture though good, is a little cliche....Typical reflection of the mountains on the
lake in the foreground. What I find disturbing is that someone who spends time in nature
can still be so uptight! All the man said was that your copyright was a bit intrusive. You
might have tried using a watermark instead of solid letters so you could have left it in the middle without the copyright being intrusive....but I guess you're not that creative, let alone professional. And you're line " I'm not giving my hard work away so people can steal it", doesn't make any sense. Either does your infantile attitude. You babbling makes you sound like a paronoid, delusional fool who thinks everybody is trying to steal from him. If those comments make you feel like a criminal should be locked up, but in the looney bin, retard! As far as coughing things up, only in your face.

Indianaphotos04's picture

Nice Picture!! Job Well Done!

Don Fischer's picture

Let's see that's a 9 for the photo and a 1 for you. Maybe you ought to tatoo that copywright across your forehead so EVERYBODY know's who you are? I was gonna suggest a lot smaller letter's and in a lower corner but now maybe should just keep my mouth shut! Ah Damn, I just got it. That's a photo of his copywright with a nice background! I'm sorry;1 on the copywright and 9 on the background. Mush be painfull being a jerk!!!!!

photo4u's picture

i agree, your attitude ruined the picture

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