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It was fun watching these two pelicans fighting each other over a carp. Pelican 1 with his wings folded actually flew in first and attacked pelican 2 who flew away but then turned back and attacked pelican 1. The photo shows pelican 2 as he returned to attack pelican 1. While these 2 pelicans are fighting each other the carp swims away. You can see the water ripples from it to the left of where the pelicans are fighting.
Camera settings were 1/800 sec., f/13, ISO 640, 600mm focal length
Equipment includes, Nikon D850, Nikkor 200-500mm f/5.6 lens, TC-14E III teleconverter, Induro Stealth CLT403 tripod, Wimberly WH-200 gimbal head.
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Pelicans Fighting Over Carp
Photographer: Scott Hamilton
Scott Hamilton | Jan 20, 2018
Views: 45
Dimensions: 3190x2465
Size: 2998kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Birds