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On a late October visit to Grand teton National Park I came across this Bull Moose and nearby was a female. It was rut season and the Bull was giving me the eye letting me know I was too close for comfort. Being Canadian I am familiar with Moose and so I parked myself behind a tree with my camera in case of a charge. All went well. Camera was a Canon 5D Mk III with a Canon 500mm f4 lens which also had a 1.4 extender attached so I was at 700mm on a tripod. A safe distance from Mr. Moose...I think. Settings as follows. Aperture 5.6, speed was 1/500 sec and ISO was at 800.
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Ok...I get it. I'm Too Close
Photographer: Bruce C Turnbull
Bruce C Turnbull | Mar 4, 2023
Views: 27
Dimensions: 4560x3120
Size: 2832kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Amazing Animals