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While visiting a bird sanctuary in Florida a big rainstorm came along and we ran for cover under a patio cover. A flock of peafowls also joined us on the patio to stay dry and one of them was white. Taking advantage of being close to these beautiful birds I grabbed my camera and started shooting, getting several shots of this beautiful white bird. I try to take bird shots at at least 1/500 sec. (the higher the better because they can move so quickly). A slight turn or nod can easily blur their head, not to mention when they start to flap their wings for flight. I also try to not shoot wide open so that I have a larger depth of field (not too large so that sharpness can be maintained) just in case they move.
Nikon D850 camera, Nikkor 18.0-300mm f/3.5-6.3 lens. Settings; 1/800 sec. @ f/6, ISO 11400 (set for auto), 125mm focal length.