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I was finished with a day of photographing at the bird refuge and was on my way home when I spotted this young heron on the side of the river. The young ones are fun because they don't scare as easily as the older and experienced ones. I was able to stop my car about 50 feet away from him and as long as I stayed in my car he would pose for me. But, as soon as I got out of the car he booked it out of there. Birds trust more when there is a car door between you and them. The camera was hand-held and was a Nikon D850 (love the camera) fitted with a Nikkor 200-500mm f/5.6 lens. The shot was taken at a focal distance of 500mm. Settings were 1/2000 sec., f/5.6, ISO 450. For birds I like to shoot wide open with the shutter over 1/1000 sec. and let the ISO float on auto; as long as there is daylight.