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The Musconetcong River is a 45 mile river completely within the borders of New Jersey and one of a handful listed as a national Wild and Scenic River for certain portions. This image was made with a Nikon D7500 camera, f/22 at 1/6 second, ISO 800, focal length 10 mm. Because of the difficulty of using a tripod in the circumstances, I was able to use the 1/6 second shutter speed hand-held to create enough of movement of the water. What appealed to me about this scene and this image was the wild nature of it, almost pristine, in the middle of one of the most densely populated states. Landscapes need not be grand vistas to have impact.
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Musconetcong River Gorge
Photographer: Steven M Richman
cobblerelves | May 30, 2020
Views: 45
Dimensions: 5568x3712
Size: 18948kb
Filed Under: Shutterbug Photo of the Day