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Waking early one beautiful October morning I decided to go out to the beach. I headed to Sandbridge Pier at Little Island Park and waited for the sun to rise and wanting to catch the ocean waves slapping at the pier. I must have taken 150 photos, just snapping away waiting for the big spash. I chose this photograph mostly for the height of the water splash and the sun glistening through the splashing wave against the pilings of the pier as well as the individual droplets, but also because the sun shines so brightly through the open spaces of the pier itself, the splash, and in the foamy water flowing up onto the sandy beach beneath the pier. I took this photograph with my Sony A290 camera and Minolta-Sony AF 75-300 lens on 10-7-2011 at 7:03 a.m. ISO 100, F 4.5, 75 mm, at 1/125 seconds.