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I joined 15 members of my photo club, and 60 other photographers, on a recent Summer evening for the "After Hours" program at Laurel Hill cemetery in Philadelphia, PA. The image was taken as a nearly-full moon rose and I had a few minutes to get in position behind a large headstone that enticed with a framing of the moon rising to appear just above a stone urn. The exposure was 121 seconds at f/11, ISO 100, 17mm on a 17-40mm f/4L Canon lens, Canon 6D, on a Vanguard Alta Pro 283CT tripod with Vanguard SBH-250 head. Only from a tripod could I get the slurry of clouds and sharply focused headstone (lit by flashlight) and f/11 gave the bonus of a wonderful starburst from the moon.
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Moonrise at Laurel Hill
jstritz | Aug 29, 2013
Views: 323
Dimensions: 2710x1807
Size: 2775kb
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