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Being a novice, I took this image on a whim out back of the local Chipotle restaurant. Mostly auto settings. I think it came out rather well. If I'd had a tripod with me, I'd have tried to take a longer exposure. If I'd known how. Still learning all the features of my new G9.
I think this is the compressed version. If so, I'll try to upload the Large/SuperFine version later. This will do for now.
EXIF data:
Lens Aperture: F/2.8
Shutter Speed: 1/8
Focal Length: 7 mm
ISO Speed: ISO-250
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The Moon & The Barren Tree
mgmirkin | Dec 27, 2007
Views: 434
Dimensions: 980x716
Size: 433kb
Filed Under: Outdoor & Nature