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Located in Ballymoney, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, The Dark Hedges, also known as The King's Road in The Game of Thrones, are a very impressive display of beech trees. They were planted in the 18th century for the road leading up to the Stuart Family's Georgian mansion, Gracehill House, which is now a golf club and wedding venue. On this morning, I was alone waiting for the sun to rise. A French photographer came along and although neither of us spoke the others language, we got along famously. Unfortunately, the cloud cover negated any sunrise we had hoped to capture, but we still got some magnificent shots of this tunnel-like road. As we started walking away, I turned around to take in the beauty of the trees one last time. At that moment, the clouds parted and this gorgeous light fell onto the road. I yelled, "Look!" figuring my new French friend would turn around. He did, he smiled and he came running back as we both fumbled to set up our tripods again. I hope he got some great shots of the sunlight streaming in. I'm sure he did!
SONY 7r, E18-200 lens @ 6.3, ISO 64, 1/80 second