You'll notice that the ducks will dunk prior to flapping. After most conflicts, they'll dunk and during preening and after mating, they'll dunk and flap.
You need a higher shutter speed and may have to bump up the ISO a notch to get it all to work out. Remember, photography is a game of give and take while out in nature and you need to sacrifice one of the setting to get the shot.
Higher ISO adds a bit of grain, but allows for a faster, richer shot if set on shutter priority, or "S" on your camera Clew.
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This guy just kept dunkin so finally I took the picture
(3 votes)
Just Dunkin My Head
clew | Mar 7, 2007
Views: 343
Dimensions: 1000x473
Size: 66kb
Filed Under: General
Submitted by $tylephoto (not verified) on March 8, 2007 - 5:48am