Taken in Pula Croatia. This stairwell in the back of the hotel is no longer used. Possibly it was for the staff in another era. Grand old hotels like this often catered to the affluent traveler and a busy stairwell would certainly have been the norm with room service personnel and chamber maids making their way to the rooms.

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This photo was taken with a Fuji XE1 at f/5.6 at 1/7th sec. and ISO 200 and spot metering. The lens was a Fuji 18-55mm zoom. The photo was later converted to B&W in post processing.
(3 votes)

Hotel Riviera
Photographer: Raymond Muzika
Raymond Muzika | Dec 7, 2017
Views: 117
Dimensions: 4896x3264
Size: 3144kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Abandoned and Discarded

Well done Raymond
Submitted by Tony B on December 9, 2017 - 5:56am
Nice presentation the decrepit stairs makes us wonder what once was, now it is preserved forever in your photographic portfolio for the world to see - I give the a solid 5