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In Ohio, we find these striking little birds foraging on rural roadsides during the winter. They're especially visible when there's a blanket of snow on the ground. When a car passes, they scatter into the cornfields that pepper the country landscape. Horned Larks are so nervous, and usually gather in spots where photographing from the car is the only option, that it's difficult to get a decent shot of one.
I was able to find this little guy (with the help of a birder friend), just waiting for me to snap his photo. I asked him to tilt his head a little to look more friendly. He didn't answer.
(2 votes)

Horned Lark
Photographer: Scott E. Zimmermann
sezimmermann | Feb 18, 2016
Views: 18
Dimensions: 1700x963
Size: 819kb
Filed Under: Shutterbug Photo of the Day