
Here Is A Quick Tip List On Letters For The HELP! Desk:
Please confine yourself to only one question per letter. Both postal letters and e-mails are fine, although we prefer e-mail as the most efficient form of communication. Send your e-mail queries to with Help in the subject header and your return e-mail address at the end of your message. Although we make every effort, we cannot promise to answer every HELP! letter.
When sending a response or suggestion that refers to a published letter please include the month and page of the original question.
All postal letters to HELP! must be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope to be considered for reply. We will respond to e-mail queries with an e-mail.

Silver Recovery Offer
Re: Silver Recovery, October 2008 issue of Shutterbug, page 200. Robert Inglis requested information on obtaining a silver recovery unit. I’m completely out of the darkroom now and have gone totally to digital. One of the items that I haven’t disposed of yet is my Silver Magnet (Model AT-2) made for home darkrooms by Woogcell Electronic. Still in good working condition, it’s his for the taking—he just has to pay for the shipping.
John Geary
via e-mail

Thanks for offering your silver recovery unit. I’m not familiar with the model you have, but will e-mail your offer to Robert Inglis so you two can determine whether your unit is suitable for his requirements. We appreciate your generous offer and I’m sure Mr. Inglis will be in touch with you.

Lloyd Reference Material
This information is concerning the letter from William D. Romez in Dekalb, Illinois. Note that “ICA Akt-Ges Dresden” is an abbreviation for “ICA Aktiengesellschaft Dresden.” There is information on page 142 of the Lind’s List Camera Price Guide (ISBN: 0-931838-26-6): Lloyd 535E and 535K, 8x10.5cm, 124 film, 1910 year, 135mm focal length; 535E-Novar 6.8 with Automat shutter; 535K-Dominar 4.5 with Compur shutter. Both are listed at $60. Additional information can be found on pages 6, 11, and 12 of Zeiss Ikon Cameras 1926-39 by D. B. Tubbs (ISBN: 1-874707-01-4).
John W. Ulffers, Jr.
Alton, IL

There was no Lloyd camera manufacturer. First, Hüttig made Lloyd-named cameras (it’s a model name) and after Hüttig became part of ICA, ICA made camera models named Lloyd. (Before they became part of Zeiss Ikon, all happily located in Dresden.) It therefore appears that ICA Aktien Gesellschaft in Dresden was the manufacturer of this Lloyd model 535, and not a manufacturer named Lloyd. Never heard of a 535 either! All this goes back more than the 50-60 years guessed by Mr. Romez. Look in an older McKeown’s.
Alfred Woelk
via e-mail

Our thanks to both of these gentlemen for providing additional background information about the Lloyd model 535 camera reader Romez inquired about. I’ll pass this expanded reference data on to him.

Large Format Lens Search
Q. I have been searching for a Kodak Ektar 100mm f/6.3 lens for my 4x5 Shen Hao for quite a while now. Do you have any suggestions/tips for me in finding this lens? Is there a lens that is equivalent to the Ektar 100mm that you would recommend?
via e-mail

A. I spoke with a good friend who still does lots of large format photography and he recommends checking with the Midwest Photo Exchange (3313 N. High St., Columbus, OH 43202; (614) 261-1264; for used large format lenses. He has purchased many lenses from them and if they don’t have what you seek, can often suggest another source. He further stated that the Kodak Ektar 100mm f/6.3 lens has a rather limited field of coverage and tends to be soft on the edges. He suggested checking into getting a Schneider Super Angulon 90mm or 100mm f/8 which has coverage almost to 5x7 field. It is a newer lens and performs better.

Price Guides
Q. I have an extensive collection of antique cameras that I am considering putting up for sale. I have a copy of McKeown’s Price Guide but it is 1990-’91 vintage. Is there any better source or will I just have to estimate prices?
Jim Halliday
Kelso, WA

A. First, I would obtain a more recent edition of McKeown’s as a starting point. I have the 2001-’02 edition, which I believe is the latest. To better answer your question I contacted our expert Jason Schneider, who replied with these comments: “There is no really accurate blue-book guide to used camera prices, especially film camera prices, these days. The latest issue of McKeown’s is not great, but it is as good as anything else in print. eBay prices are a lot more accurate, but you have to log on as an eBay member to check actual selling prices since asking prices are almost irrelevant. This takes time and is a pain. Essentially a ‘reasonable price’ is what somebody is willing to pay, so any source of actual selling prices, such as auction sites and data are your best bet.” You can get an instant quote by contacting or calling them toll-free at (866) 735-5444 ext. 9.