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This shot was taken on the way to Lubbock, Texas by way of Austin. I saw the shot accidentally on the porch of a landscaping company. When I asked permission to take the shot the owner thought I was nuts. He said the machine hadnt been touched in 30 years. The bottles were vintage, full of dust and dead bugs. The texture of the machine and the half lit porch dictated this was to be a black and white. This shot hangs in my home and to this day is one of my favorites. Shot with a Nikon D700, Nikkor 28-70mm f2.8 lens. Hand held, ISO 200.
(4 votes)

Have a Coke and a Smile
david bowden | Jan 10, 2015
Views: 86
Dimensions: 1500x1500
Size: 1643kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Low-Light Noir