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$tylephoto's picture

Super close up. Try with your flash on and set to a lower strength and it'll bring out even mnore definition than what you've got here.

clew's picture

Okay, what do you mean lower strength?

$tylephoto's picture

You have a pop up flash on your camera and may have an external flash too. When your flash is on or popped up. there is a control for the strength of the flash, perhaps just a little to light up a subject while pointing towards the sun or any other light behind the subject. So, instead of looking at a silhouette when reviewing your shots, you'll get a nice image and hopefully the extra light worked out.
Back to your camera... On my camera right next to my shutter bbutton there are a few other buttons and one is designated to my flash. I press it once and then use a dial to raise or lower the brightness of my flash. During my macro's, it's always full out and aperture and shutter also very high. Sometimes while out ducking, I use my flash to get that little bit extra detail. That's where my comment came from. Great shot, just wanted to let you know of another angle to make it greater.

clew's picture

Great. Thanks for the info. I had read about using flash outside for fill light but also read not to use it so I was a bit confused. You have helped clear that up for me. I will definitely try it out.

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