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I was calling it quits for the day and packing up my gear when this Great Blue Heron flew over me and landed in the marsh. Normally if these birds see you they will not let you get within about 200 ft. of them but this one let me get about 100 ft. away. I got a lot of great photos making it difficult to pick a favorite but this is one that I like. Camera set for continuous shutter and focus, matrix metering
Nikon D750, Nikkor 200-500mm f/5.6, TC-14EIII teleconverter, @ 700mm, 1/125, f/13, ISO 1000
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Coolin' it in Marsh
Photographer: Scott Hamilton
Scott Hamilton | Jan 17, 2018
Views: 45
Dimensions: 2553x2553
Size: 6208kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Birds