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These 2 Geese are like family to me now that I've shot them about a thousand times over the years. However, like most families, we have our differences, I like to take photos of them and they hate me for it. But it doesn't stop them from posing or trying to ruin a decent landscape shot by sticking their beaks in front of the lens or ruining a perfect reflection(they are masters at that). It's almost like they don't care about my needs!
Watson Lake, Prescott Arizona.
Sony A7, Rokinon 14mm(cropped in post),F9,1/200 ISO200
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Goose Photobombs
Photographer: Bob Larson
boblarsonphoto | Feb 28, 2018
Views: 9
Dimensions: 1260x1890
Size: 2279kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Birds