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This Great Blue Heron was enjoying flying over a marsh by the light of the evening sun when I shot this photo. The sun gave a golden glow to the parts of the Heron that caught its light. I took the photo hand held because there was no time to get the tripod. Focus and shutter were set to continuous. The shutter was 1/2000 sec. so that I could stop action. The background is mountains with snow. I kept the lens wide open at f/5.6 and used auto ISO that was at 3200 when the photo was taken. I used my Nikon D850 with a NIkkor 200-500mm f/5.6 lens @ 500mm.
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Evening Sun Heron
Photographer: Scott Hamilton
Scott Hamilton | Jan 28, 2018
Views: 54
Dimensions: 3679x2453
Size: 5629kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Birds