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I never shoot in Black and White but this picture : f/5, begging to be turned into one! Going to Photo Shop I desaturated til I got the effect I wanted then just lightened with the dodge tool a tiny bit on his bill to give me a contrast between his bill and the water ... and I was happy!! He is in such a classic pose of elegance for the Great White Egrets.
I captured this shot with a Canon Power Shot G3X. Just love these small cameras that do such a great job when traveling and don't have enough space to carry all the gear.
F stop: f/5.6
Exp.: 1/320 sec
ISO: 125
Kay J. Prunty
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Photographer: Kay J. Prunty
kay_viewfinder@hotmail.com | Feb 7, 2018
Dimensions: 4800x4800
Size: 7687kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Birds