To whomever voted for this photograph, I would like to say thanks. I was walking around outside and spotted this shot. I ran into the house to get the camera equipment and returned thinking he would not be there. However, he was and gave me the evil eye as I photographed.

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This is a photograph of a male Eastern Screech Owl. It was taken in the afternoon as the male and female were preparing to feed the owlets. The owl box is in a tree directly above this photograph. This particular male stood by all day in a nearby tree guarding the owl box and usually doesn't hunt this early, however the owlets were ready to leave the box and feeding times came earlier every day. This shot was taken with a Nikon D4 and 80-400mm F/4.5-5.6 lens. The settings were 400mm F/5.6, 1/250 sec. and ISO 140.
(3 votes)

Eastern Screech Owl
Photographer: Phil Charlton
pcharlton | Jul 31, 2015
Views: 198
Dimensions: 865x864
Size: 676kb
Filed Under: Shutterbug’s Nature Photo Contest