This DIY “Bullet Time” Rig Captures Time-Warping 360° Cinematic Effects on the Cheap (VIDEO)

If you’re unfamiliar with the term “bullet time,” it’s a frozen-moment visual effect in which some parts of a scene proceed at normal speed while others (like flying bullets) are slowed dramatically as you see in the short clip below and a longer version at the bottom of this page.


Luca Amhofer of LA Cinematics created this version of what is typically an extremely expensive system, using nothing more than some plywood and aluminum, a tripod ball head, and a swivel caster like you’d find on an old office chair. A bit of welding was all it took finish the project that he created for his anti-war short film “Scope.”

Amhofer’s portable setup can be used at any height by adding a removable aluminum rod. You can watch a video demonstration below, as well as the trailer for “Scope” here.

If you're interested in the bullet time visual effect, here's a wild clip of river surfers created using 50 Canon 1D X DSLRs.

Via PetaPixel