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When I saw this decaying branch on a tree that had fallen in the woods I saw more than a branch that was weathered. I saw a creature that had been frozen in time and now time was taking its toll. I knew that to bring it to life I had to make it Black and White. The Monochrome look gives the depth and life to this.
Taken out in the forests near Flagstaff, AZ
I used a Canon 5DMkIII, Canon 24-70 2.8F lens
My Camera was in Aperture mode ISO 100, F/8 at 1/60
Photographer: Ken Bryant
(2 votes)

Decaying creature
Photographer: Ken Bryant
krbimaging | Jun 17, 2015
Views: 63
Dimensions: 1707x2560
Size: 920kb
Filed Under: Picture This: The Power of Black & White