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(3 votes)

lizard911 | Feb 26, 2007
Views: 670
Dimensions: 532x700
Size: 276kb
Filed Under: Digital Doings

Submitted by buttercup (not verified) on February 28, 2007 - 9:19pm
What kind of software do you use,if I may ask?,
your work is phanominal(spelling?).I'm getting bored w/ what I have and have been researching software,I'm just not sure.
I really enjoy lokking at your pics.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by lizard911 (not verified) on March 1, 2007 - 7:11am
Thank you both for the kind rating :)
Buttercup , I use photoshop CS2. It is the very best to use but very costly...be prepaired to dig deep into your pockets , I think it is about $1000.00 I use a few other programs sometimes but they are made for IMAC. I don't know what you use but Corel has some great programs for PC and most of them have a 30day trial version so you can see if you like them or not...Hope that helps :)