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While in California watching our grandchildren I took a drive along the California coast near Santa Cruz, looking for seascapes to photograph. I came upon the remains of an old pier near the town of Davenport and knew I had to get a photo. I wanted to have silky water to give it the other-worldly look because that's what the pier remains inspired in me. Using a Lee Big or Little Stopper neutral density filter I took photos at several shutter speeds. Some had smoother water and some had rougher water than this photo but this was my favorite. A Nikon D750 was used with a Nikkor 14-24mm f/2.8 lens and the ND filter to capture this photo. An Induro Stealth CLT403 tripod and Manfrotto 496RC2 head was used to hold the camera and lens during the 45.0 second exposure. Additional settings were f/4.5, ISO 100 and 14mm focal length.