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This is the Virginia State Capitol building. Designed by Thomas Jefferson, and occupied since 1788. The blue lighting on the tree combined with the white color of the building, made for a great contrast with the blue of twilight. Shot with a tripod mounted 6d and Tokina 16-28 F/2.8 at F/11, with an exposure time of 20 seconds. ISO was 125, and focal length was 16mm. I had to be careful with the Tokina lens flaring from the lights at that exposure length. Outside of that issue, I really like the lens. Processed in LR5 and finished off in PSE11. The lens correction in LR5 is great, and only occasionally have to go to PSE to make minor lens correction tweaks. I needed to give myself all the extra room on the sides I could to allow for the lens correction ans still have enough space left on the sides.
Photographer - Tim Wilson