Bee - You - Tee - Full! I love the "blue hour" and this photo, in my opinion, captures all of the beauty of it. While I love the the mountains in the background, the contrast of red boat in the foreground in front of the 4 masted schooner is the compositional element that just blows me away. Wish I was there. Best Regards...

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Shot in Bar Harbor Maine right after sunset with a Nikon D80 and a Nikkor 16-85mm VR zoom lens on a tripod Shot at f11 @ 3 sec. ISO 125 in aperture priority.
Gerald Swede Wayne, NJ
(3 votes)

Bar Harbor, Maine
crackerjack | Nov 4, 2013
Views: 549
Dimensions: 3420x2540
Size: 1801kb
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