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This image of the Avenue des Champs-Elysees was taken on the first night of my first visit to Paris. The wind and rain were intense, but that was not going to stop me from shooting on my first night there. I love the reflection of the cold spring rain on the streets. The wind was blowing something fierce up there and I gave up trying to use my tripod and went with a steadied handheld shot at a high ISO for a low light noir look. Although shooting handheld at these settings goes against the convention, it reminds me to do what you have to do and not to fear a slow shutter speed or high iso! Some of my best images were from this first rainy night and I will definitely return.
Shot with Nikon D7000, Sigma 17-70mm lens. 1/6s f 5.6 iso800. Taken by Gabrial Reising www.goldencirclephotography.com